DataViews and 1.1

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 14:46:14 EST

  • Next message: Andriy Shapochka: "Re: DataViews and 1.1"


    I am planning to make a pre-Alpha release of 1.1 pretty soon, hopefully
    in a week or two. We have quiet a few new features and I think it will
    be beneficial to show them as early as possible, while we work on the
    rest of the stuff.

    I was wondering what is the state of DataViews and DV Modeler? Do you
    think we should include it in the release, or should we wait (I can
    update the build script to exclude it from the distro)? If we decide to
    release DataViews, I guess some introductory docs would be nice, since
    nobody outside this list knows about DataViews. Even if this is just a
    placeholder for the future "real" documentation. Maybe we can create a
    basic "DV Guide" as a part of "xdocs", structured similar to User and
    Modeler Guides?


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