Expressions in memory evaluation

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 01:14:00 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "[ANN] Cayenne 1.0.6 Released"

    Just checked in a full implementation of in-memory evaluation of
    Cayenne expressions. Expressions can be used to filter collections of
    DataObjects and regular java beans. This will be released in 1.0.6:

    Expression class had "eval" and "filterObjects" methods since the first
    release, but the design behind them was rather weak, so the
    implementation was provided only for a very limited subset of
    expressions (AND, OR, "=" and their combinations). Currently these
    methods would support all non-aggregate expressions (including pattern
    matching with LIKE and LIKE_IGNORE_CASE; IN, BETWEEN, etc.).

    Expression package features a simple compiler that takes an Expression
    (essentially a tree) and produces a chain of ASTNode objects ("AST" is
    "Abstract Syntax Tree") forming an expression representation using a
    Reverse Polish Notation - an ideal for linear evaluation. It has some
    optimizations, such as lazy AND and OR evaluation, and can be optimized
    even further in the future.

    As a reminder, there was a big expressions discussion a few months
    back: .
    The main points made by Giulio Cesare in that discussion were that to
    stay truly object-oriented and extendable Expressions should:

       1. know how to evaluate themselves in-memory
       2. know how to translate themselves to SQL

    And one thing that hasn't been fully figured out was how to customize
    expressions by DbAdapter.

    My latest additions are not yet compatible with (1) and do not deal
    with (2), but any future implementation of (1) will be able to take
    advantage of the evaluation logic present in the ASTNode subclasses.


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