Re: Problems building cayenne-src-1.1M3.tar.gz from source and unexpected error using prebuilt jar

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Tue Mar 02 2004 - 17:42:05 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "[Solved]: targetObject.getObjectId().getIdSnapshot() returns non-primary key attributes"

    Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > Yes, I've upgraded commons-collections to 3.0. My bad, I should've
    > posted an announcement. The reason I did that was that there were some
    > bugs with chained iterators (something I am planning to use) in 2.1. If
    > this creates unbearable problems with Struts (does it? I think 3.0 is
    > fully backwards compatible, though old classes are deprecated), we can
    > roll back.

    I'll go ahead and upgrade to 3.0 and see if I have any problems.
    I haven't heard any specific issues with Collections 3.0. I know that it
    was not true of some of the other commons projects (lang in particular).

    > True, jdom that is only used by dataview package is not bundled with
    > cayenne.jar. The thing is, "cayenne.jar" is growing out of proportion
    > now. The original nice idea of keeping everything in one jar has
    > outgrown itself, so we have to make concessions... With Java Groups it
    > is a different story. It is distributed under LGPL, so there is a
    > sensitive license compatibility issues with that. It is not bundled
    > intentionally.

    I've always thought the idea of "one jar" was a bad one. It was never an
    option for me -- I've always used the no-deps option.

    > However this raises an issue of whether we should even continue
    > maintaining the build.xml script as a part of the distribution. Having
    > two independent build systems (one for developers and one for users) is
    > becoming a maintenance nightmare. I have a very strong opinion that we
    > should stop shipping the build script and tell users who build Cayenne
    > on their own to use anonymous CVS (or CVS snapshots from the website).
    > CVS includes all the jars and is guaranteed to build without glitches.
    > Besides it should be very easy to find a particular date or a release
    > label.

    As long as there's a way to get buildable source packages without using CVS,
    I think that's fair.
    I'd rather see the released binary packages actually look like the cvs

    I think another alternative is to stop providing "cayenne.jar" source
    packages. Instead, package the libraries as is, and just include them --
    the "otherlib" we see in cvs. If one build a package, you only get the
    no-deps version. Actually, I'd just go a step further and stop creating the
    dependent version. As you've said above, it's reached the point that it no
    longer makes sense to bundle them all together.

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