Re: Sequence Diagrams,

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 10:39:24 EDT

  • Next message: "[OS-JIRA] Created: (CAY-225) Support prototype entities and attributes"

    > Are there sequence diagrams for Cayenne kicking around anywhere?
    > They'd probably lower the bar to entry on the dev side :-)

    Yeah, this would be sweet, but we don't have any ...

    > Otherwise, with regards to the ant task I was proposing for auto-DB
    > generation, what's the best way to load the config file? I figure I'm
    > going to need a DbAdapter and a DataMap to feed into DbGenerator.
    > DataMapLoader() (used by the CayenneGenerator ant task) is pretty
    > straightforward, but ConfigLoader() isn't so much.

    If you have a case when you want to use DataNodes (and connection info)
    configured in the project, I suggest using FileConfiguration
    It should load cayenne.xml and all related files from any specified
    location, and give you access to the full Cayenne stack.

    However I suspect that you might want to provide users with the ability to
    set connection info in the Ant task, overriding project settings. In this
    case you probably should load the DataMap via MapLoader, and run a
    generator via "runGenerator(DataSourceInfo dsi)", without creating Cayenne
    access stack. So you won't need Configuration or ConfigLoader at all. This
    seems like a much cleaner and faster option to me.


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