Re: Evaluating Cayenne for Java Client application

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 11:02:41 EST

  • Next message: Marek Wawrzyczny: "Re: Evaluating Cayenne for Java Client application"

    Marek Wawrzyczny <> wrote:
    > We have hit the first wall, pessimistic locking. For some reason I have
    > been under the impression that Cayenne supports pessimistic locking but
    > somehow I cannot find any reference to it in the examples, FAQs or
    > JavaDocs, perhaps I am looking in the wrong place. Can someone point me
    > in the right direction?

    It's not there yet. Patches are welcome :) New features in cayenne tend to
    get started by those who need them. But that's not to say that you'd have
    to do it all by yourself.

    I'm no database layer expert, but I managed to create the basic patch for
    optimistic locking that's now the basis for optimistic locking in Cayenne,
    so I think you'll find it easy to contribute. The infrastructure support
    for specifying locking in the model is already there. You'd just need to
    implement the details specific to performing pessimistic locking. I've
    never used pessimistic locking in an EOF/Cayenne environment, so I'm not
    sure how you'd want it to work. Optimistic locking was probably a little
    easier since it just modifies the qualifier on update statements.

    The best way to get started is to throw out a general concept of how you'd
    see it working on the dev list, and you'll either get some design refinement
    suggestions or get pointed to the right places to start implementing it.


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