Re: Vertical inheritance support proposal

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Wed Jun 15 2005 - 15:54:59 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Vertical inheritance support proposal"

    Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > I see... No, my plan was to keep a single object with properties coming
    > from the joined tables being indistinguishable from the properties coming
    > from the root table.
    > So on the Java end this will look like "vanilla" OO inheritance (implying
    > that there will be a single ObjectId). It would be the responsibility of
    > Cayenne to build all needed joins when doing a select and building
    > multiple insert/update/delete queries on commit.

    That sounds pretty neat. It also sounds like a lot of work. :)

    I know Michael is currently doing it with composite objects, and I was in
    the process of doing it with composite objects. It's unclear to me how
    other ORM systems handle this.

    One advantage of a composite approach is that there's no uniquing problem
    since each table record exists as a separate object. Is that also true with
    cayenne handling everything?

    So here's my plan of attack.

    #1) extend DataMap / the datamap xml file to support vertical inheritance

    - add a type-of-inheritance attribute
    - add a KODO-like ref-column.<pk column> to the entity, or add an attribute
    to ObjRelationships to mark it as the path to the inherited parent record.
    I originally thought this could be derived from to-Dep-PK && !isToMany, but
    that's probably too restrictive.

    #2) flattened attributes (by extending ObjEntity?)
    #3) get select working
    #4) get the rest working?

    Also, just so this fact gets recorded somewhere (since I figured this out
    while researching), Hibernate uses different nomenclature:

    flat/single-table inheritance = table per class hierarchy
    vertical inheritance = table per subclass
    horizontal inheritance = table per concrete class

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