how to remove object from context ?

From: Marcin Skladaniec (
Date: Tue May 09 2006 - 22:53:40 EDT

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    I think someone already asked about that, but I cant find this post.

    I have a problem with removing objects from context. I tried :

                    CayenneContext context = new CayenneContext(channel, true, true);
                    CSite site = (CSite) context.newObject(CSite.class);

    but the object is still in the context (it is still in getContext
    ().uncommittedObjects() list ).

    if I do
                    CayenneContext context = new CayenneContext(channel, true, true);
                    CSite site = (CSite) context.newObject(CSite.class);

    there is a null object in context, so I feel like I'm hitting some
    bug. I started to browse code (Its good to have access to repository
    again !).

    I have noticed that in ObjectContextDeleteAction there is a deleteNew
    method which makes a call to

    so I followed it futher to GraphMap and CayenneContextGraphManager
    and I realized that the latter does not pay attention to
    unregisterNode(), and therefore stateLog which keeps dirtyIds is not

    I have no time to look further into this problem, but I believe that
    overwriting unregisterNode() in CayenneContextGraphManager with
    something like that should work.

    public synchronized Object unregisterNode(Object nodeId) {
            Object o = super.unregisterNode(nodeId);
            return o;

    But I feel like it is a ugly solution, and maybe there is no
    notification created and this is causing stateLog to keep the old
    values ? I don't understand this part well...

    I believe that this problem will be a 5 minute task for Andrus, so
    I'm not creating a JIRA task.


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