[ANN] New ObjectStyle DEV server

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Fri May 19 2006 - 22:17:06 EDT

  • Next message: Øyvind Harboe: "Bogus hollow object exception"

    Hi folks,

    I just deployed a new ObjectStyle development server. It is intended
    to be a build and test server for ObjectStyle projects. It is NOT
    intended to be a primary project download server (distributing
    nightly builds and such is ok).

    Machine Description

    Name: dev.objectstyle.org
    Kind: dual 3.2 GHz Xeon, 2GB RAM, running Linux FC5
    Software: Oracle 10g, Java 1.4, 1.5, 1.6; lets discuss what else we
    need on the infra list below.

    User Accounts

    All active Cayenne and WOProject/WOLips committers already have shell
    accounts. Your user name is the same as your ObjectStyle Jira login
    id. However the password is different - I will email it separately to
    each committer - please change it on first login (except for Ulrich -
    I transferred his SSH key from the main server).

    Committer Emails

    All committers now have email addresses in the form
    usernam..bjectstyle.org. They are being forwarded to the address you
    registered in Jira. You can try it right away. If you want to change
    the forwarding, log in to dev.objectstyle.org and edit ".forward"
    file in the home directory.

    Mailing List

    There is a private mailing list: infr..bjectstyle.org. Nobody except
    for myself is subscribed right now. If you have problems or
    suggestions about the new server, please subscribe and send email to
    that list (subscription is moderated and is intended for committers
    only - this way we can keep sensitive information private).

    E.g. if you need to deploy a service XYZ that is not available yet,
    or having problem logging in, etc., use this list.


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Fri May 19 2006 - 22:17:35 EDT