Re: Please reconfigure GMane

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu May 25 2006 - 10:17:29 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: VARCHAR and trailing space"

    I don't understand the notion that we have anything to do with Gmane.
    Also I have no idea how they tell "list administrators" from non-
    administrators (I guess they just manually check whether a change
    request makes sense), but from that little form there, you and me
    have the same permissions as far as Gmane concerned.

    Still I see no point in discussing this further, so I filled in the
    forms for both lists and sent it to them.


    On May 25, 2006, at 7:42 AM, Ahmed Mohombe wrote:

    >> Huh?
    > Why Huh?
    > Adding or subscribing by no means, since Cayenne is on Gmane since
    > years.
    > Doing that again, would be a misuse of their service. (just look at
    > the statistics to see since
    > when is caynne active there).
    > The correct place where one should change these values would be:
    > ""
    > and
    > ""
    > (So from the Cayenne detail pages:
    > "" and
    > ""
    > using the "edit" link)
    > But as I said, as anonymous (or as not the owner of those lists) I
    > can't change the relevant
    > information i.e. the list email address :(.
    > Ahmed.
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