Fwd: Call for Papers Opens for ApacheCon US 2006

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Thu May 25 2006 - 16:34:03 EDT

  • Next message: Øyvind Harboe: "Re: VARCHAR and trailing space"


    Not yet sure if I'll be able to go to the US Apache Con, but it would
    be nice to have a Cayenne presentation there, especially on its
    unique aspects such as remote object persistence. If there are any
    volunteers to do this presentation, I'll be glad to help with


    Begin forwarded message:

    > From: Rich Bowen <rbowe..cbowen.com>
    > Date: May 25, 2006 2:47:10 PM EDT
    > To: announc..pachecon.com, community@apache.org,
    > announc..pache.org
    > Subject: Call for Papers Opens for ApacheCon US 2006
    > Reply-To: communit..pache.org
    > Hash: SHA1
    > Call for Papers Opens for ApacheCon US 2006
    > The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is proud to announce that
    > ApacheCon
    > US 2006 will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Austin, Texas, October 9 -
    > 13, 2006.
    > ApacheCon US is the premier conference of the Apache Software
    > Foundation. This annual event creates a unique platform for the Open
    > Source community in to come together to gain deep insight into
    > techniques and methodologies critical to the advancement of Open
    > Source
    > software, and gain skills to optimize the power and versatility of
    > Apache
    > software.
    > The conference brings together ASF members, developers and
    > contributors,
    > business people, and power users, working with Apache and related
    > software,
    > to participate in a leading-edge forum to exchange ideas and
    > network with
    > peers.
    > The conference begins with two days of intensive half-day and full-day
    > tutorials, which will offer actionable techniques and methodologies
    > pivotal
    > to the increasing demand for Open Source software. This year we
    > hope to
    > offer several intensive trainings that will be 2 - days in lengths.
    > The three main conference days offer a wide range of beginner,
    > intermediate
    > and advanced sessions. ApacheCon US attendees will have FIVE tracks to
    > choose from each days featuring more than 70 sessions, to gain
    > real-world insight and to learn firsthand the latest developments
    > of key
    > Open Source projects including the Apache HTTP Server - the world's
    > most
    > popular web server software.
    > Come share your knowledge, hit upon new ideas, find solutions and
    > connect
    > with your peers at this educational, fun-filled gathering of users,
    > developers, and vendors of Apache software.
    > The ASF and the conference producer for the ApacheCon US conference
    > series - Full Circle Productions - invite the Open Source community to
    > send in session and tutorial proposals for ApacheCon US 2006.
    > Apache Software Foundation members are designing the technical
    > program for
    > ApacheCon US 2006, which will feature multiple tracks and dozens of
    > technical sessions. The program committee is particularly
    > interested in
    > session and tutorial proposals on the following topics:
    > * Apache HTTP server topics (installation, configuration,
    > migration, ...)
    > * All ASF projects such as, Jakarta, mod_perl, XML, and SpamAssassin
    > * Scripting languages and dynamic content
    > (such as Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, XML, XSL, and PHP)
    > * Security and e-commerce
    > * Performance tuning, load balancing and high availability
    > * Technical and non-technical case studies
    > * New technologies (e.g., Web, Java, XML, and anti-spam)
    > Regular sessions will be 60 minutes and tutorials will be either
    > 3 or 6 hours. Or 12 hour/2 day sessions.
    > To submit a proposal, visit http://www.us.apachecon.com/html/cfp-
    > form.html
    > The deadline for submitting is June 28, 2006
    > Speaker benefits include:
    > * travel costs will be covered up to $750.00 for international
    > flights.
    > * accommodation depending on the number of sessions will be covered
    > * tutorials speakers will be paid an extra fee for their efforts based
    > on enrollment
    > * conference registration fees will be waived
    > ApacheCon US Team http://www.apachecon.com/
    > topics and catagories for the CFP -
    > Apache HTTP Server
    > ASF
    > Build Tools
    > Case Study
    > Community
    > Database
    > E-Commerce
    > Java
    > New Technologies
    > Performance
    > Perl
    > PHP
    > Python
    > Ruby
    > Security
    > Spam
    > TCL
    > Unix
    > Web Services
    > Windows
    > XML
    > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
    > Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
    > Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
    > iD8DBQFEdfutXP03+sx4yJMRAhCXAJ9WJuAwtB54ffHWWydfevVGKV8KVgCgnYwm
    > ooJzTQgXdd9zs2saXya81fc=
    > =5xTi
    > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe, e-mail: community-unsubscrib..pache.org
    > For additional commands, e-mail: community-hel..pache.org

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Thu May 25 2006 - 16:34:29 EDT