Re: What next?

From: Jim Jagielski (
Date: Fri May 26 2006 - 14:59:35 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Call for Papers Opens for ApacheCon US 2006"

    One possibility would be to create a GSoC branch from
    trunk and give them SVN access to just that branch...

    On May 26, 2006, at 2:46 PM, Bill Dudney wrote:

    > Hi All,
    > I prefer the patches approach. I know its a pain in the neck for
    > the student but IMO its more likely to result in stuff we can
    > maintain going forward (assuming the student is not able to
    > continue after the SoC is over) because it has to be reviewed
    > before being applied.
    > Even on new app development it makes sense assuming that we get a
    > patch once a week or once a day or whatever, as long as its small.
    > If we can make SVK work (I'm interested too) then I'm OK with that
    > as well as long as the patches are small.
    > BTW: Since I'm offering my opinion I should probably sign up to
    > help mentor. I won't have time to be full time mentor but would be
    > glad to help review patches.
    > TTFN,
    > Bill Dudney
    > MyFaces -
    > Cayenne -
    > On May 24, 2006, at 1:24 PM, Justin Mason wrote:
    >> I'd like to hear people's experiences with SVK; my impression of
    >> it (based
    >> on its CVS support) was that it seemed pretty flaky. If that is
    >> indeed
    >> the case I wouldn't want to inflict it on the students...
    >> (To be honest, I'm leaning towards an SVN branch for our student
    >> projects
    >> in SpamAssassin.)
    >> --j.
    >> Andrus Adamchik writes:
    >>> Heh, that's actually a more general problem with team development,
    >>> both open source and commercial. I've seen people who would not
    >>> commit their local work to CVS for weeks or months to postpone
    >>> dealing with integration issues :-)
    >>> So yes, communicating constant integration paradigm is important.
    >>> And
    >>> providing the right tools is what makes it practical.
    >>> Andrus
    >>> On May 24, 2006, at 2:21 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:
    >>>> On 5/24/06, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    >>>>> It looks like recommending SVK per Kevin's SVK suggestion is a
    >>>>> good
    >>>>> idea - there won't be a need for the external repo, and it will
    >>>>> remove the reviewing bottleneck from the patch process.
    >>>> Just be sure that you don't end up with the student doing all their
    >>>> work locally and not showing it to anyone until it's done. That
    >>>> totally defeats the point of open development, peer review, etc.
    >>>> -garrett

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