Re: What next?

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Wed May 24 2006 - 14:04:59 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: What next?"

    On Wed, 24 May 2006 13:28:55 -0400, Jean T. Anderson <>

    > Rather than host something outside Apache, I would rather see students
    > submit patches to Apache Jira issues. --It's good experience for how
    > many Apache projects incorporate contributions.

    I can see the value in this, but speaking as someone that contributed a
    fair amount of code without commit privileges, it's a sucky situation.
    It's tantamount to asking the student to work on the code without an SCM
    at all, which benefits no one. It's nothing ASF-specific but rather a
    short-coming of a centralized SCM, such as Subversion.

    I recommend that if we go this approach that we at least suggest using SVK
    to the students. Incidentally, I started using SVK just this morning due
    to the need to commit code while not connected to a server. Anyway,
    because SVK interacts with subversion, students should be able to leverage
    an SCM and contribute patches fairly easily. I do wonder how this falls
    into the whole "development must be done in the open" stance Google has


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