Cayenne Eclipse Plugin

From: Bruno J. M. Melo (
Date: Sun May 28 2006 - 10:05:39 EDT

  • Next message: Øyvind Harboe: "Re: Cayenne Eclipse Plugin"

    Hello All!!

      As most of you know, I'm developing this project for the GSoC, and the
    first step before start coding is decide about which features are relevant
    in a cayenne plugin.
     Kevin commented about recent discussion in dev-list about cayenne plugin.
    After read the thread I grouped all interesting features below, followed by
    some other ideas:

    - XML editing with content assist, validation, and etc.
    - Outline view with operations (add+remove+delete fields/relations).
    - Refactoring support
    - Add database field to table. This should update the classes, database, and
    cayenne XML files.
    - Quick fixes

    This can be implemented in this way...

    # Edit the cayenne files using multi-editor (similar to edit plugin.xml in
    PDE). Each kind of cayenne XML file (cayenne.xml, *.map.xml, *.driver.xml)
    will have the appropriated multi-editor. The advantage of this approach is
    the flexibility in develop either using higher-level abstraction (similar to
    CayenneModeler) or edit raw XML.

    # Don't have a Cayenne Project, but "an instance of" Java Project... using
    decorators [1] in the same way that antlreclipse [2] do.

    Your feedback are very important!! The worst thing that can happen is create
    a plugin who nobody uses.


    >> bruno

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