Re: Cayenne Eclipse Plugin

From: Øyvind Harboe (
Date: Sun May 28 2006 - 14:47:45 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cayenne Eclipse Plugin"

    Here are some thoughts on a Cayenne Eclipse plugin:

    - Try teaching Cayenne to a couple of developers who have never
      looked at Cayenne and try to determine where they are struggling.

    - Try "videotaping" more experienced Cayenne developers and see
      where time disappears or where they get frustrated.

    - Have a look at the Spindle for Tapestry. Lots of good ideas.

    - QuickFix support for Cayenne in the Java editor. E.g. if I have an
      error due to a non-existing method on a Cayenne object "setFoo()",
      then a new Cayenne Eclipse plugin contributed QuickFix could be to
      add that property to the Cayenne .xml files and regenerate the
      Cayenne superclasses. The QuickFix would oftentimes be able to
      determine the type of the new property based upon the Eclipse
      facilities to determine that from the context the new
      property is used.

    - If the plugin could somehow address the confusion I describe in
      this message, it would be great:

    - This may not have anything to do with the Eclipse plugin for
      Cayenne as such, but the Eclipse plugin will be used in a
      context.. That said. Spindle really could do with some OGNL
      completion. Anything that the Eclipse Cayenne plugin could do
      to help out here would be great. E.g. some hotkey to press
      from *any* text/.xml file that allowed me to get ctrl-space
      completion when typing OGNL or OGNL like expressions would
      be *great*

    - See this discussion on Eclipse plugin:

    Øyvind Harboe

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