RE: Standalone Cayenne Modeler application

From: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\) ("Gentry,)
Date: Wed May 31 2006 - 09:34:04 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Cayenne 1.2 Release Candidate is available"

    I'm not certain anything has been decided about a CM replacement yet. There have been discussions about using NetBeans (Matisse) to create it and also do a plugin type approach. We also have to be careful about licenses for any tools/JARs we use to create it -- has to be Apache (or compatible). I don't know the Eclipse RCP license offhand. I would imagine the new JARs introduced with Matisse would be OK since they will be part of Swing and Java 1.6 (Mustang).

    I'm not familiar with Eclipse DTP and don't have time right now to look through it (knee-deep in documentation), but what I'd personally like to see CM grow into is CM + some EOModeler features + DBEdit + a few other new Cayenne-only features. The database plugins I've seen for Eclipse so far have allowed you to enter some SQL and fetch rows back, but they have no idea of the model/schema. There is no way for them to follow relationships, etc. This is a hugely important feature. So much so that right now I would keep a separate EOModel just to run DBEdit -- it is well worth maintaining two models. That option doesn't really exist for Windows/Linux users, though.

    Obviously CM is very important and this will require a lot more discussion and thought to get it right. This is a Good Thing!



    -----Original Message-----
    From: Øyvind Harboe []
    Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:16 AM
    Subject: Re: Standalone Cayenne Modeler application

    On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 06:56 -0400, Kevin Menard wrote:
    > We had bounced around a similar idea not to long ago on this list. The
    > general concensus, however, seemed to be that that the NetBeans RCP would
    > be better for our needs than the Eclipse one. Right now, I see very
    > little value in rewriting the entire application any RCP, let alone
    > switching all to SWT.

    I read over the thread below.

    I didn't find this in the discussion:

    - Which route will give the most synergy effects? e.g. Cayenne
      Modeler alone is fine, but it would be nice to have a database
      browser (?) built in as well,
      XML editor/viewer?

    - References to the Eclipse plugin. If the Eclipse plugin effort becomes
      significant, then perhaps the modeler will be folded into that plugin
      anyway. Using Eclipse RCP would be a way to make that plugin available
      as a standalone app.

    Øyvind Harboe

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