Solving CayenneModeler.exe problem

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2006 - 00:25:13 EDT

  • Next message: Bill Dudney: "status page update?"

    I just wrote a small test app with NSIS [1] to resolve our only LGPL
    dependency [2]. It works like a charm, with only drawback being the
    exe file is not self-contained (does not include the jars, as we used
    to do), so it can not be moved around and will have to reside in
    cayenne distro directory (shortcut can be created of course of
    course). I don't see this as a big deal - it works the same way for
    eclipse and probably many other applications.

    So unless there are better ideas, we can integrate it in the Maven
    script via Ant.



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