[cocoa] first cut

From: Tore Halset (halse..vv.ntnu.no)
Date: Sat Aug 12 2006 - 18:41:13 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [cocoa] first cut"


    I have tried to start connecting cocoa/objc to cayenne. As I am new
    to all of this, I would realy like to get some help.

    First, The hessianobjc framework are easy to use, but should
    probablye have a couple of improvements. Here are my hessianobjc notes:
      * The webpage http://www.bluebearstudio.com/hessianobjc/ are not
    working today :( php error..
      * Do not know how to do basic authentication. turned off on server
    for now.
      * Basic classes like Map, Double, String etc works out of the book.
      * Apply a Dictionary (Map) that are used to map between java class
    names and Cocoa class names.
      * Other classes (that are not simple like Double and String and not
    mapped) are returned as NSDictionary with a special entry named
    "hessianClassName". That is very cool as the key-value stuff make all
    classes usable out of the box.
      * Some arrays like GenericResponse.results has 3 (ca) rows in front
    with NSError objects. After that the normal result rows are coming.
    Strange. Here are some examples of the NSError objects:
      - NSError "Unknown tag returned from server "
    Domain=BBSHessianObjCDomain Code=666 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription
    = "Unknown tag returned from server "; }
      - NSError "Unknown tag returned from server "
    Domain=BBSHessianObjCDomain Code=666 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription
    = "Unknown tag returned from server "; }

    I am using axis tcpmon to debug the network traffic. It is very
    useful as the hessian protocol are almost readable for a human. I
    start it with " java -cp axis.jar org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon 8090
    localhost 8080". The server are listening on port 8080 and the client
    are connecting to port 8090.

    My current status is that I am able to execute a NamedQuery and use
    the result to fill up a NSTableView using an NSArrayController with
    Artists from the rop-tutorial. None of the other stuff are working.
    Like relations, persistent state, graph diff, committing, events.
    Puh, a pretty long list.

    Pri 1 TODO:
      * fixing the NSError stuff. Perhaps by just filtering those objects
      * refactoring. should probably prefix all classes with CAY or
      * commit to sandbox
      * relations/faults

      - Tore.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Sat Aug 12 2006 - 18:42:20 EDT