Re: Graduation heads up

From: Jean T. Anderson (
Date: Thu Nov 16 2006 - 10:17:46 EST

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    Michael Gentry wrote:
    > Jean must have TinyURL as a bookmarklet :-)

    yeah. :-) Those long mod_mbox archive urls sometimes end up with line
    breaks and spaces that make them kind of hard to cut&paste.

    > I just looked at the RAT report referenced in [1] and would like to
    > note a few things.

    My note was too short and referenced just Robert's first post -- I
    should have also mentioned for clarity that the release got worked out
    on the genera...a.o list. --The main point is RAT was run, Cayenne
    produced a good release.

    all is well with that release,


    The XML files are generated by Cayenne Modeler and
    > should not have the license headers. (If Cayenne Modeler
    > automatically added the license, anyone who created a model in Cayenne
    > would have the Apache License in their potentially proprietary models,
    > which they would not like). The DTD and CSS could certainly have the
    > license added as comments. I'm a little torn on, though.
    > It was initially generated by Cayenne Modeler, but can be customized
    > by the end-user (will not be overwritten). In this case,
    > does have a little bit of custom code added to it. In the same
    > directory is also and, which also do not
    > have the license added, but are just shell classes (no methods). We
    > can add the license to these files (but not to the superclasses), but
    > I don't know if that is a best Apache practice since the file looks
    > different than what the modeler would generate (might be slightly
    > confusing to someone learning Cayenne and looking at the tutorials).
    > Thoughts?
    > Thanks,
    > /dev/mrg
    > On 11/15/06, Jean T. Anderson <> wrote:
    >> Craig L Russell wrote:
    >> ...
    >> > I'd suggest you make sure to include a pointer to your release as a
    >> > proof point that you're really ready to graduate. And it will help to
    >> > run Robert's RAT detector on the release if you haven't already done.
    >> Robert himself ran RAT [1] :-)
    >> Does anyone spot anything in the status file [2] that needs to be
    >> updated?
    >> -jean
    >> [1]
    >> [2]

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