Re: Re: Graduation heads up

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Thu Nov 16 2006 - 09:15:14 EST

  • Next message: Jean T. Anderson: "Re: Graduation heads up"

    Jean must have TinyURL as a bookmarklet :-)

    I just looked at the RAT report referenced in [1] and would like to
    note a few things. The XML files are generated by Cayenne Modeler and
    should not have the license headers. (If Cayenne Modeler
    automatically added the license, anyone who created a model in Cayenne
    would have the Apache License in their potentially proprietary models,
    which they would not like). The DTD and CSS could certainly have the
    license added as comments. I'm a little torn on, though.
    It was initially generated by Cayenne Modeler, but can be customized
    by the end-user (will not be overwritten). In this case,
    does have a little bit of custom code added to it. In the same
    directory is also and, which also do not
    have the license added, but are just shell classes (no methods). We
    can add the license to these files (but not to the superclasses), but
    I don't know if that is a best Apache practice since the file looks
    different than what the modeler would generate (might be slightly
    confusing to someone learning Cayenne and looking at the tutorials).




    On 11/15/06, Jean T. Anderson <> wrote:
    > Craig L Russell wrote:
    > ...
    > > I'd suggest you make sure to include a pointer to your release as a
    > > proof point that you're really ready to graduate. And it will help to
    > > run Robert's RAT detector on the release if you haven't already done.
    > Robert himself ran RAT [1] :-)
    > Does anyone spot anything in the status file [2] that needs to be updated?
    > -jean
    > [1]
    > [2]

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