Date and XMLDecoder

From: Adrian Wiesmann (
Date: Mon Nov 20 2006 - 17:34:45 EST

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    Hello all

    I am not sure if I found a bug in the XMLDecoder class. I am trying to
    decode an Object with a Date field. All the other fields work as expected
    until the XMLDecoder reads the Date field and tries to instanciate a new
    object of that type.

    I am using JDK 1.5 and I guess that the constructor for Date can not be a
    string anymore. I found a notice on the Sun website which states that this
    constructor (Date(String)) is "Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced
    by DateFormat.parse(String s)".

    I am talking about line 248-250 of XMLDecoder of a Cayenne 3 Snapshot:

    return c.newInstance(new Object[] {

    Can anyone confirm that the XMLDecoder has a problem with Date types?


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