jdbc autoCommit

From: Tore Halset (halse..vv.ntnu.no)
Date: Mon Nov 20 2006 - 18:01:39 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: jdbc autoCommit"


    I get a jdbc Connection using node.getDataSource().getConnection()
    and setAutoCommit(false) on this to be able to use PostgreSQL blobs.
    Is it ok to not set autoCommit back to true before closing the
    connection and returning it to the pool?

    My current solution is a custom Blob implementing the Fault (thanks
    for that tip Andrus!) interface to be able to re-query the Blob when
    it is lost. This custom Blob also handles writing lots of blobs
    without filling up the heap space.

    I am wondering if not setting autoCommit back to true leave the
    transaction in a dangerous state or if the connection pooling will
    make sure everything works ok. Is this dependant of the connection
    pooling framework used? I have tested with DriverDataSourceFactory
    and max connection = 1 and it does not seem to leak connections.


      - Tore.

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