Re: [JIRA] Updated: (CAY-316) stream support for blob/clob

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Wed Nov 22 2006 - 03:11:11 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Re: Re: Password Encoding"


    I agree that it is too low-level. I also see the problem in my
    solution that could happen if a Blob got invalidated while it is
    being read from. Lets go for the BlobCallback interface that you
    sketched out as it solves this problem.

    Do you think I could implement BlobHolder.readBlob with plain jdbc
    (generated from the model) as I did in BlobFault.getBlob()? The
    reason for doing this is that I need to bypass the ExtendedType stuff
    and have full control of the selecting transaction. Or is it possible
    to have the same level of control in a Query?

    Writing is pretty easy if you just provide a MemoryBlob and set it. I
    think streaming insert would require som special stuff for each jdbc-

    BlobHolder could probably be the Fault like I did with BlobFault?

      - Tore.

    On Nov 22, 2006, at 5:20 , Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > My concern is that it seems too low-level, accessing DataNode
    > directly (hence you have to manage connection state and all that).
    > But there is another more fundamental problem of a Blob becoming
    > invalid when the connection that generated it is closed.
    > So I wonder if instead of mapping a column directly as a Blob, we
    > should implement our own mapping primitive (BlobHolder?), that can
    > re-read the Blob as many times as requested. The other piece is a
    > callback interface that is provided with the regular Blob instance
    > guaranteed to be in the valid state (i.e. inside a Cayenne
    > transaction). A callback can read the stream, and do whatever with
    > it (like pushing data to HttpResponse):
    > interface (or class) BlobHolder {
    > void readBlob(BlobCallback callback);
    > }
    > interface BlobCallback {
    > // this is called within transaction span and the Blob is
    > guaranteed to be valid
    > void blobRead(Blob);
    > }
    > We can use a BlobFault similar to what you wrote as a way to
    > initialize BlobHolder with an object qualifier (so that it knows
    > how to fetch itself).

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