RE: [VOTE] Cayenne web site

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Thu Jan 04 2007 - 08:38:49 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Moving infra out of the incubator"

    Please see comments below.

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Aristedes Maniatis []
    > Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:17 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: [VOTE] Cayenne web site

    > 4. Since ish is based in Sydney where Atlassian are located,
    > and as an existing paid customer of theirs, we've already
    > made extensive use of their support services.

    Is this pertinent in some way or just background info on how you ensured

    > I'd like to ask for votes on this design, remembering that
    > the vote is on the design and concept rather than specific
    > menu structure.
    > I'll start with a non-binding +1 from me.

    I'm not sure what the vote is about. A vote has to elicit an outcome
    and it's not clear from the proposed vote what the outcome is. I
    imagine you're raising a vote to use this new design as the layout for
    the Cayenne Web site. Or are you just looking for overall consensus
    over whether or not the current state of work looks useful to Cayenne
    for a future project? Anyway, some clarification would help.

    > The external costs of this work has been sponsored by ish and
    > myself, since the design has been created and implemented by
    > a professional web designer who I've engaged, in conjunction
    > with my own copywriting and design ideas as well as Andrus's guidance.

    Thanks for your efforts. And while I'm at it, thanks to all those
    companies that have allowed their employees to work on Cayenne in some

    I imagine you are okay with assigning the copyright of this work over to
    the ASF? I know it sounds silly to ask, but I was actually involved
    with another project where a guy did something similar and he would only
    sign over copyright if his company name and logo were scattered
    throughout the site. Needless to say, we dropped his contribution.


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