Re: [VOTE] Cayenne web site

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Jan 09 2007 - 10:13:21 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "RE: [VOTE] Re: Cayenne 2.0.2 (and 1.2.2)"

    On Jan 9, 2007, at 4:26 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > I think the steps are:
    > 1. create all pages within Confluence
    > 2. wait for DNS changes (since they affect the template) to be put
    > in place
    > 3. upload all the static images (css, png, etc) somewhere
    > 4. put the new template live

    Looks good to me. Also:

    5. configure ".htaccess" in the site root to redirect to the export
    directory. Let me check with Infra if we can export from cwiki to the
    root directly.

    > I am a little confused about the different spaces in confluence and
    > what access right they each have. I saw a typo the other day I was
    > going to fix, but then I think only committers have edit access to
    > the main doc pages. Can this be loosened somewhat to encourage more
    > people to contribute, or is there a requirement that the official
    > documentation be given the same control as the source itself?

    Access to the spaces has to be limited to those folks (not
    necessarily committers) who signed a CLA. You did that already, so I
    added you to the editor group.


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