Re: [VOTE] Cayenne web site

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Mon Jan 08 2007 - 21:26:06 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [VOTE] Re: Cayenne 2.0.2 (and 1.2.2)"

    On 09/01/2007, at 4:22 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Since different ppl. will be working on different things, I
    > wouldn't hope much that we can do a coordinated site launch. Maybe
    > we should create a scratch space at (CAYSITE?),
    > and start doing the content work pending the final design template
    > and the infra issues below? Any volunteers to work on porting the
    > static pages?

    I think the steps are:

    1. create all pages within Confluence
    2. wait for DNS changes (since they affect the template) to be put in
    3. upload all the static images (css, png, etc) somewhere
    4. put the new template live

    I am a little confused about the different spaces in confluence and
    what access right they each have. I saw a typo the other day I was
    going to fix, but then I think only committers have edit access to
    the main doc pages. Can this be loosened somewhat to encourage more
    people to contribute, or is there a requirement that the official
    documentation be given the same control as the source itself?

    Ari Maniatis

    Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
    phone +61 2 9550 5001 fax +61 2 9550 4001
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