FW: [ANN] Maven 2.0.6 Released

From: Kevin Menard (kmenar..ervprise.com)
Date: Mon Apr 02 2007 - 16:00:00 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik (JIRA): "[JIRA] Created: (CAY-773) MySQL stored procedure support"

    In case anyone missed this. I have not yet tried building Cayenne with
    2.0.6, but I suspect there shouldn't be any problems.


    -----Original Message----- From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:jaso..aven.org] Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 9:01 AM To: announc..aven.apache.org; Maven Users List; Maven Developers List; announc..pache.org Subject: [ANN] Maven 2.0.6 Released

    The Apache Maven team would like to announce the availability of Maven 2.0.6. We have closed out 22 issues for this release and the upgrade from 2.0.5 should be pain free. We corrected a major flaw in the artifact resolution mechanism and we cannot find any problems but information about the change can be found here:

    http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/examples/ preparing-dependencies.html

    You can find the binaries here:


    You can find the release notes here:


    You can find the roadmap here:

    http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa? reset=true&&pid=10500&fixfor=13010&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/ order=DESC


    The Apache Maven Team

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