Re: Abstract Entities [Was: Modelling improvements: inheritance + interfacing (Draft)]

From: Craig L Russell (Craig.Russel..un.COM)
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 23:03:26 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Abstract Entities [Was: Modelling improvements: inheritance + interfacing (Draft)]"

    On May 30, 2007, at 7:23 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

    > On 31/05/2007, at 11:54 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:
    >> On 31/05/2007, at 10:44 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    >>> On 5/30/07, Aristedes Maniatis <> wrote:
    >>>> When we get to vertical inheritance there will be at least one
    >>>> other
    >>>> property added to the ObjEntity: the name of the relationship
    >>>> used to
    >>>> find the superclass.
    >>> When we get to inheritance, we'd be wise to follow the JPA
    >>> methodology
    >>> for specifying inheritance relationships. Vertical and single-table
    >>> is well-defined.
    >> <...>
    >> Okay, so consider the request for superRelationship dropped. (See
    >> disclaimer :-) Well that makes it simpler to do all of this ;-)
    > Hang on... Hibernate, for example, does indeed utilise a
    > relationship, to my understanding [1], that specifies the nature of
    > the relationship to the parent, what happens when an object is
    > deleted and so on. These are characteristics that are encapsulated
    > in a relationship. This is why the request for defining a
    > superRelationship in ObjEntity was first made. Perhaps it's an
    > optional for vertical where in its absence is some implicit strategy.
    > Thoughts?

    The example below shows in Hibernate how to remove the automatically
    generated relationship between Person and Employee due to the need to
    map the primary key association to inheritance.

    I'd even call this a deficiency in the tool, since there is a foreign
    key constraint defined on the primary key column of the employees
    table that refers to the primary key column of the persons table. The
    most natural mapping of this would be inheritance and should
    therefore be the default.

    While it might be possible theoretically to define a different column
    in the database to be used as the association column to join rows of
    a subclass and a superclass table, by far the most common and most
    understandable way to map inheritance is to simply assume that the
    primary key of both tables is the same and that the id field in the
    class contains the value to be used for both primary keys. The
    direction of the foreign key constraint should indicate which is the

    > with regards,
    > --
    > Lachlan Deck
    > [1]

    Craig Russell
    Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
    408 276-5638
    P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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