getting exceptions from the server to client in ROP

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Jul 12 2007 - 21:56:58 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: getting exceptions from the server to client in ROP"

    In ROP, we only get CayenneRuntimeExceptions (CRE) returned to the
    client. This hides much of the cause of the original problem from a
    user debugging problems at the client end since the stack trace of
    the original exception is lost and all you get are the details of the
    CRE itself thrown by BaseRemoteService at around line 175.

    I need to improve upon my recent commit in order to properly deal
    with non-serializable exceptions. Andrus has alerted me to the fact
    that there are exceptions out there (such as one in Derby) which
    implement Serializable but which have fields which are not serializable.


    Seems to me that this is an error in the original implementation
    (after all, what's the point in implementing serializable if it
    isn't?), however perhaps we should be tolerant of this type of problem.

    It looks like Hessian 3.1.2 will work around the problem and be able
    to gracefully handle this situation. However Hessian isn't the only
    possible transport Cayenne might use.

    Our options appear to be:

    1. It isn't our problem. The bug in Derby is going away and Hessian
    is working around it too. Leave it as it is and put some notes in the
    docs for people who don't use Hessian. The nice thing is that we can
    get real exception data onto the client which can be very useful.

    2. Add the original exception's stack trace to the CRE message.
    Simple to do, but slightly ugly in that it fills up the previously
    concise message with stack trace. Some users may expect their message
    to be short and sweet.

    3. Add new fields to CRE which are guaranteed to serialise (such as
    String causedByStackTrace and causedByClassName) which can contain
    this information. But then it is a bit more effort to get them out on
    the client (say within log4j).

    Ari Maniatis

    Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
    phone +61 2 9550 5001 fax +61 2 9550 4001
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