RE: Building Cayenne on Java 6

From: Jason Dwyer (
Date: Sat Jan 05 2008 - 23:53:04 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Building Cayenne on Java 6"

    hi all,

    its been a while since i've had much time to keep up with cayenne, but
    have found a bit of space to flick through the dev mailing list in the
    last couple of days, and came across this thread.

    at first i thought 'bah, they wouldnt have broken the interfaces would
    they'? then, re-checking out the source and hooking it up in eclipse
    with default java ( 1.6.0-sun ), found exactly what kevin came across!

    ( however, i'll be more prosaic and not blame sun directly, i suspect
    something/someone in the jcp came up with it...)

    anyway, i had time to have a bit of a poke and a shuffle, and have come
    up with a rough-ish patch that i've attached to CAY-955, which _seems_
    to be doing the trick at least in my linux/java 6/eclipse environment:
    unit tests pass ok, but theres some ITests that fail ( not sure if thats
    due to my changes in the patch or if i hadnt set up the environment for
    it ).

    it provides a shallow hierarchy that provides some abstract classes for
    Connection, DataSource, PooledDataSource and ResultSetMetaData, which
    were the ones mostly affected by the inclusion of Wrapper in the
    implements clause for each of these in java 6. these abstract classes
    will obviously need filling out ( they're mostly just default auto-gen
    method bodies ), but the patch should be a good start.

    alas i dont think i'll have much more time to dig through cayenne again
    for a bit: back to the grind after the xmas break tomorrow, and it keeps
    me pretty busy, so if the patch is good, then great, otherwise, oh well!



    On Sun, 2007-12-30 at 13:57 -0500, Kevin Menard wrote:
    > It's really unfortunate because Java 6 is ridiculously faster than Java
    > 5, at least on Windows. I have a group of functional tests that were
    > cut by 50% just by bumping the JDK version.
    > Oh well.

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