Re: Building Cayenne on Java 6

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2008 - 03:54:13 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik (JIRA): "[JIRA] Closed: (CAY-955) cannot build cayenne against jdk 1.6 due to changes in javax.sql package classes/interfaces"

    Same here - this discussion prompted me to look at 1.6 once again and
    actually think about a solution.


    On Jan 7, 2008, at 12:34 AM, Jason Dwyer wrote:

    > heh,
    > i didnt even try 1.5 again after it built with 1.6! d'oh!
    > and yes, it would achieve the necessary result by adding the new
    > interface methods to the classes, my intention was to encapsulate
    > these
    > to isolate any further future changes in these areas.
    > ( still, it proved an interesting dig going through the newer 1.6
    > javax.sql stuff, and while the submitted patch wont be useful
    > directly,
    > i did get a chance to see where cayenne is headed again...)
    > cheers,
    > j
    > On Sun, 2008-01-06 at 12:32 +0200, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> Hi Jason,
    >> I think the stumbling block was all the new interfaces that existing
    >> JDBC interfaces return from the new methods (SQLXML, NClob, etc.). I
    >> don't see how the patch addresses it. Essentially the patch bumps up
    >> the version of our implementations to Java 1.6, but makes it
    >> incompatible with Java 1.5 compile environment.
    >> As a temporary solution I guess we can stub the missing interface
    >> dependencies for Java 5 compilation purposes, making a small Maven
    >> module with "provided" scope. But if we do, then we don't need to
    >> change the existing inheritance hierarchy. We can simply implement
    >> the
    >> missing methods.
    >> Or did I overlook something obvious?
    >> Cheers,
    >> Andrus
    >> On Jan 6, 2008, at 6:53 AM, Jason Dwyer wrote:
    >>> hi all,
    >>> its been a while since i've had much time to keep up with cayenne,
    >>> but
    >>> have found a bit of space to flick through the dev mailing list in
    >>> the
    >>> last couple of days, and came across this thread.
    >>> at first i thought 'bah, they wouldnt have broken the interfaces
    >>> would
    >>> they'? then, re-checking out the source and hooking it up in eclipse
    >>> with default java ( 1.6.0-sun ), found exactly what kevin came
    >>> across!
    >>> ( however, i'll be more prosaic and not blame sun directly, i
    >>> suspect
    >>> something/someone in the jcp came up with it...)
    >>> anyway, i had time to have a bit of a poke and a shuffle, and have
    >>> come
    >>> up with a rough-ish patch that i've attached to CAY-955, which
    >>> _seems_
    >>> to be doing the trick at least in my linux/java 6/eclipse
    >>> environment:
    >>> unit tests pass ok, but theres some ITests that fail ( not sure if
    >>> thats
    >>> due to my changes in the patch or if i hadnt set up the environment
    >>> for
    >>> it ).
    >>> it provides a shallow hierarchy that provides some abstract classes
    >>> for
    >>> Connection, DataSource, PooledDataSource and ResultSetMetaData,
    >>> which
    >>> were the ones mostly affected by the inclusion of Wrapper in the
    >>> implements clause for each of these in java 6. these abstract
    >>> classes
    >>> will obviously need filling out ( they're mostly just default auto-
    >>> gen
    >>> method bodies ), but the patch should be a good start.
    >>> alas i dont think i'll have much more time to dig through cayenne
    >>> again
    >>> for a bit: back to the grind after the xmas break tomorrow, and it
    >>> keeps
    >>> me pretty busy, so if the patch is good, then great, otherwise, oh
    >>> well!
    >>> cheers,
    >>> j
    >>> On Sun, 2007-12-30 at 13:57 -0500, Kevin Menard wrote:
    >>>> It's really unfortunate because Java 6 is ridiculously faster than
    >>>> Java
    >>>> 5, at least on Windows. I have a group of functional tests that
    >>>> were
    >>>> cut by 50% just by bumping the JDK version.
    >>>> Oh well.

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