Re: performQuery generics

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Jan 13 2008 - 15:57:08 EST

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: performQuery generics"

    On Jan 13, 2008, at 4:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > 3. What I haven't done yet is applying this to the new
    > List<Object[]> results, as the backend is not fully ready yet, and I
    > need a better understanding of all consequences myself.

    I tried to analyze this remaining case tonight (for the background you
    may check..qlResultSetMapping annotation per Chapter 8.3.3 of the JPA
    spec)... SQLSelect (a would-be selecting parameterized SQLTemplate
    analog) is still a bit verbose...

       SQLSelect<Integer> q1 = new SQLSelect<Integer>("DataMap1",
             .append("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM X");

       SQLSelect<Object[]> q2 = new SQLSelect<Object[]>("DataMap1",
             .append("SELECT COUNT(1), SUM(PRICE), 'CONST_STRING' FROM X");

    Of course <Object[]> doesn't tell us what's in the array... For the
    reference, here is a SQLSelect prototype:

    public class SQLSelect<T> implements TypedQuery<T> {

            public SQLSelect(String dataMapName, Class<T> resultClass) {


            public SQLSelect<T> append(String sql) {
            public SQLSelect<T> append(String key, String sql) {

             // more stuff goes here ...


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