Re: performQuery generics

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Sun Jan 13 2008 - 16:57:18 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: performQuery generics"

    On 14/01/2008, at 1:32 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Since there was a clear dissatisfaction with all suggested
    > solutions, I kept trying other options. Here is one more attempt. I
    > ditched both ideas - to subclass existing queries and to implement
    > Query wrappers that are not queries themselves. Instead I combined
    > functionality of the existing queries and a user-friendly wrapper
    > in single new class that is itself a Query. As a result there's no
    > backwards compatibility issues allowing for the tight and clean API.
    > 1. an example of usage... Notice that DataRows/Persistent/Generic
    > objects are all handled by the same query class:
    > Select<Artist> query1 = new Select<Artist>(Artist.class);
    > query1.andQualifier("artistName = 'ABC'")
    > .orQualifier("artistName = 'XYZ'")
    > .orderAscending(Artist.ARTIST_NAME_PROPERTY);
    > List<Artist> artists = context.performQuery(query1);

    That's good... but...

    > Select<DataRow> query2 = new Select<DataRow>(DataRow.class, "Artist");
    > query2.andQualifier("artistName = 'ABC'")
    > .orQualifier("artistName = 'XYZ'")
    > .orderAscending(Artist.ARTIST_NAME_PROPERTY);
    > List<DataRow> dataRows = context.performQuery(query2);

    I don't think this works. i.e., I don't think it's up to the user to
    determine the type returned for a data row fetch. That's a function
    of the framework as far as I see it.

    How about this?
    List<DataRow> dataRows = context.performRawQuery(query1)

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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