Re: GSoC2008, a project proposal

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2008 - 10:51:25 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: More Information about the"

    It's worth noting that "derived entities" and "inheritence" aren't
    the same concept in cayenne.
    Dervied entitities are essentially database "views", modified by a

    Also, cayenne has supported what you can "flat" inheritence (single-
    table inheritence) for some time now.
    (For as long as I've been using it, which is over 4 years now).


    On Mar 27, 2008, at 3/279:33 AM , Marcin Skladaniec wrote:
    > Hello
    > I've been using open source software, and Cayenne in particular, for
    > quite some time now. Now finally comes a great opportunity for me
    > to contribute something back to the open source world.
    > It is sad that I could not do much until the incentive from Google
    > came along, but let me just blame the fact that I'm a busy student...
    > I have already talked to Andrus about the possible projects I could
    > undertake, and to my great contentment he liked the idea of
    > implementing inheritance in Cayenne and agreed to be my mentor for
    > SoC2008.
    > I put together a proposal, and at the end of this email you can find
    > the most important fragment of it (I skipped all the 'why me' bits ).
    > Any feedback is most welcomed !
    > Best regards
    > Marcin
    > "There are several object-relational mapping (ORM) java frameworks
    > in existence, and in my opinion Cayenne (
    > is one of the best. Cayenne has clear and consistent API, and great,
    > most vibrant community I met in the open source world.
    > Cayenne has many features you one would expect ORM to have, but it
    > is lacking one important feature which is present in competing
    > projects like Hibernate: inheritance. I would like to propose a
    > Summer of Code project bringing inheritance to Cayenne.
    > At the moment Cayenne does support only some sort of flat
    > inheritance (called 'derived entities' ), but it is already marked
    > as deprecated and will be excluded from future versions.
    > I believe (re)adding this feature is going to highly improve Cayenne
    > as ORM, I have already found myself missing it few times when
    > working on various database designs.
    > There are few ways of designing inheritance, mentioned before flat
    > inheritance, vertical inheritance and horizontal inheritance. I
    > would like to explain differences between them to explain what I
    > would like to do. I'll use an example to illustrate each type, in
    > the examples I'll use notation Table[field1, field2,..] to describe
    > the database structure and Entity<field1, field2,...> to describe
    > entities.
    > Without inheritance a database table is simply mapped to a java
    > class (which is often called an entity).
    > Example: If an application has an entity representing different
    > payments each type of payment needs to be stored in separate table
    > and will be mapped to a separate entity, ie.
    > - CreditCardPayment[amount, bankedDate, ccNumber, ccExpiry, ...] <=>
    > CreditCardPayment<amount, bankedDate, ccNumber, ccExpiry, ...>
    > - ChequePayment[amount, dateBanked, chequeBank, ...] <=>
    > ChequePayment<amount, dateBanked, chequeBank, ...>
    > - CashPayment[amount, dateBanked, ...] <=> CashPayment<amount,
    > dateBanked, ...>
    > As can be seen some fields gets duplicated, and as there is no
    > inheritance between the java classes the application ends up with
    > plenty duplicate code. Also the relationships between the entities
    > might get complicated, for example an Invoice would need to have
    > separate relationship to each payment table.
    > Flat inheritance does use a single table, but allows mapping this
    > table into several entities. There are some benefits of this type of
    > inheritance like it does not require any joins, likewise inserting
    > data does affect only one table. Using flat inheritance has only
    > limited usage, and if used to extensively leads to tables with too
    > many columns to be readable and understandable.
    > Example: In the same situation as before there would be only one
    > table defining all the fields :
    > - Payment[amount, bankedDate, ccNumber, ccExpiry,...,
    > chequeBank, ...] <=> CreditCardPayment<amount, bankedDate, ccNumber,
    > ccExpiry, ...>, ChequePayment<amount, dateBanked, chequeBank, ...>,
    > CashPayment<amount, dateBanked, ...>
    > Modelling the relationships becomes much easier, but as each entity
    > still is separate there is a high possibility of duplicate code.
    > Horizontal inheritance can be considered a small improvement over
    > the no inheritance model, keeping the duplication of the fields on
    > the database and entity level, but allowing to gather some code
    > together. I'm finding this approach a little confusing and counter-
    > intuitive, but it certainly has a reason behind: it does avoid the
    > slowness related with vertical inheritance.
    > Example:
    > - (no database table) <=> Payment<amount, bankedDate, ...>
    > implements/extends CreditCardPayment, ChequePayment, CashPayment
    > - CreditCardPayment[ccNumber, ccExpiry, ...] <=>
    > CreditCardPayment<ccNumber, ccExpiry, ...>
    > - ChequePayment[chequeBank, ...] <=> ChequePayment<chequeBank, ...>
    > - CashPayment[...] <=> CashPayment<...>
    > Vertical inheritance escapes the problems of flat inheritance by
    > storing data relevant to an entity in a dedicated table. Resulting
    > database schema is cleaner and easier to maintain when adding new
    > entities and tables. There is a cost linked with this type of
    > inheritance: the database transaction speeds are lower, since each
    > fetching query must use a join and storing data has to be executed
    > against each table.
    > Example: Again the same situation as in previous cases. In vertical
    > inheritance there is a common table and common entity class finally
    > creating a room for the code common to all Payments:
    > - Payment[amount, bankedDate, ...] <=> Payment<amount,
    > bankedDate, ...>
    > - CreditCardPayment[ccNumber, ccExpiry, ...] <=>
    > CreditCardPayment<ccNumber, ccExpiry, ...> extends Payment
    > - ChequePayment[chequeBank, ...] <=> ChequePayment<chequeBank, ...>
    > extends Payment
    > - CashPayment[...] <=> CashPayment<...> extends Payment
    > My Google Summer of Code is going to bring the inheritance to
    > Cayenne. Certainly I would like to implement the vertical
    > inheritance, albeit it might have performance impact, it also seems
    > to be the most advanced model. If the time will allow I'll put my
    > effort to also implement either flat or horizontal inheritance,
    > consulting the Cayenne community to find which one is more
    > anticipated. "

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