Re: DBPatch

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2008 - 06:41:09 EDT

  • Next message: Ahmed Mohombe: "Re: DBPatch"

    On 15/04/2008, at 6:23 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > FYI: I started a simple DB schema evolution management task in
    > Cayenne SVN sandbox last month (the task still has some
    > shortcomings, but I am already actively using it in development).
    > Since it doesn't really belong in Cayenne I spoke to Ant folks [1]
    > to maybe integrate it to Ant in some form. Will be working towards
    > making it an Antlib now.
    > [1]

    Interestingly we are doing some similar work here internally now that
    we are working to support multiple databases against one of our
    applications (mySQL, Derby, MS SQL, Oracle). We have a current process
    with a folder full of files 1.sql, 2.sql, etc which create the
    database schema. Each time we update something in the model we create
    a new file in that folder.

    Is your ant task aimed at that sort of thing? Just today we looked at
    Cayenne's functionality within the merge factory to add columns,
    tables, etc but thought we'd get a bit stuck with things like setting
    NOT NULL, creating indexes, etc. In the end we settled on the simplest
    hack: four folders (mySQL, Derby, MS SQL, Oracle) each with their
    version of the sql commands required to create the columns, tables,
    indexes, etc.

    Would it be a long term design goal to get more metadata into the
    Cayenne model? Indexes for instance... If that was the case, we
    thought that we could store a new copy of the model each time we
    updated it and our code could use the existing Cayenne merge
    functionality to migrate the database schema as needed.


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