Re: Some suggestions

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Sun Aug 10 2008 - 05:39:14 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Some suggestions"

    On 08/08/2008, at 9:14 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

    > Hello,
    > My activity as a GSoC student comes to its end. Anyways, I'd like to
    > stay.
    > The reasons are obvious: I like Cayenne, I wanna become an Apache
    > committer,
    > ORM is useful in 90% business applications.

    Your work has been very valuable to Cayenne, and very much
    appreciated. Although working on the modeler might only seem like
    tinkering around the edges of Cayenne, it is very much the first
    impression users get of Cayenne and therefore extremely important to
    the project.

    > 1. Reverse engeneering.

    If there is a pluggable naming engine, it must have a couple of simple
    prepackaged options available as choices in Cayenne modeler since few
    people will probably go to the trouble of writing their own java
    plugin. There could be a series of checkboxes and options in the
    modeler to make it even easier. This could be taken a further step to
    control the generation of the velocity templates for entity class
    generation. For example we've added:

    public static Class<?> getDataTypeForKey(String key)...

    to ours since we find it quite useful. It would be great to allow
    users to easily control the naming and options within the entity
    superclass without tinkering with velocity templates which can be a
    bit obscure.

    > 2. Core API.
    > Generified SelectQuery (and related classes) is the thing Cayenne
    > definitely misses. I think I've seen some discussion about it, so
    > maybe
    > someone is currently working on it. This doesn't seem too hard of a
    > task, we
    > must just look at correct deprecating of present methods, which take
    > Class
    > as parameter (like SelectQuery constructor).

    I think you'll find that there are as many opinions on this as
    developers :-) but I agree that we should complete the generification
    of Cayenne before 3.0 final is released. I think that SelectQuery is
    one of the last main bits to do. As Andrus said, DataRows was the main
    issue and the conversations (as I recall) revolved around whether you
    choose to perform a DataRow query when you construct the query or when
    you ask for the results.

    > 4. ROP
    > I haven't thought of how to implement this yet, but nested contexts
    > are
    > needed on client side.

    Yes! +1 That would be incredibly useful.

    > Some thoughts about removing "Client classes have to be available to
    > the
    > server JVM" limitation. My colleague once shared experience, that if
    > client
    > and server classes are in same package, client classes are not
    > needed on
    > server. I.e. client objects are serialized and server objects
    > are deserialized. If we could somehow tell Hessian that package of
    > classes
    > may change, that'd solve a problem.

    Putting client and server entities in the same inheritance hierarchy
    would simplify lots of things for users. For instance, right now it is
    very hard to share validation between client and server classes.

    > I also have some thoughts about CM usability, but I'm a bit tired of
    > modeler
    > now, if you know what I mean :-) Maybe later.
    > I would appreciate any comments and suggestions.

    My main thought there would be to add documentation to the modeler. I
    think it would be quite simple and is mostly a UI challenge. Each
    relationship, attribute and entity should allow text which then gets
    dumped into javadocs in the generated classes and methods. Really,
    just a bunch of big text areas in the modeler with a convenient way to
    edit them and view them alongside the things they describe. I'm
    thinking that maybe a panel across the bottom. Using the docs in
    tooltips in the modeler (when you hover over an attribute for
    instance) would also be good.

    It might be useful to write them out into a separate XML file (not the
    main Cayenne model file) so that they don't have to be exposed to the
    client in ROP for security reasons. Not sure what others think about
    that, since it adds a little complexity.

    Anyhow, please don't hesitate to create Jira's for anything you think
    of. That will allow everyone to contribute to the ideas. We want to
    welcome you to working on Cayenne and encourage any ideas that you
    want to develop.

    Ari Maniatis

    Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
    phone +61 2 9550 5001 fax +61 2 9550 4001
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