Nested context on ROP proposal

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Fri Oct 24 2008 - 03:27:45 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Nested context on ROP proposal"

    Nested context on ROP proposal

    CayenneContext definitely misses functionality avaliable for DataContext -
    nested (child) contexts. This is a description of how to implement the

    It must be logically the same as DataContext's nested contexts. Main API
    usage methods are:
    -creation of nested context -> ObjectContext.createChildObjectContext.
    -committing changes to parent Cayennecontext ->
    -committing changes to all context tree, likely until DataContext and
    underlying database -> ObjectContext.commitChanges()
    -rolling back current changes -> ObjectContext.rollbackChanges and

    Changes should go:
    -from child to parent -> through DataChannel API
    -from parent to child -> through EventManager API

    Once again, feature should work same as via
    DataContext.createChildDataContext(), so I will not describe it here more
    in detail

    API changes (possibly incomplete list)
    Important note here is that all changes are only increasing method's
    visibility or moving them from inherited class to superclass, so no user's
    code will break.
    New classes/ifaces:
    none. all required classes are already in Cayenne.

    Method changes/additions (all in ObjectContext, BaseContext, DataContext and
    ObjectContext ObjectContext.createChildObjectContext() - new method, creates
    and returns a new child ObjectContext. DataContext implementation calls
    DataContext DataContext.createChildDataContext() - needs deprecation,
    previous method should be used instead. This is just another step to
    unification Data- and Cay- contexts
    BaseContext - to implement DataChannel, because both descendants need that
    API. DataContext already has implementation.
    EventManager getEventManager() impl is same for both contexts and should be
    moved to BaseContext
    QueryResponse CayenneContext.onQuery(ObjectContext context, Query query)
    should be made public since now CayenneContext supports dataChannel API

    public GraphDiff DataContext.onSync(ObjectContext originatingContext,
    GraphDiff changes, int syncType) method should be moved from DataContext to
    GraphDiff DataContext.onContextRollback(ObjectContext originatingContext) -
    method used by previous method, also should be moved up
    GraphDiff DataContext.onContextFlush(ObjectContext originatingContext,
    GraphDiff changes, boolean cascade) - should be moved up to BaseContext and
    made protected and abstract, because implementations will differ.

    void DataContext.fireDataChannelCommitted(Object postedBy, GraphDiff
    void DataContext.fireDataChannelRolledback(Object postedBy, GraphDiff
    void DataContext.fireDataChannelChanged(Object postedBy, GraphDiff changes)
    - now used by both contexts, so should be moved up to BaseContext and made
    boolean ObjectContext.hasChanges() - returns true if there are any modified,
    deleted or new objects registered with this ObjectContext. This is useful
    method to add to ObjectContext. dataContext already has implementation.

    * "Invalidates" a Collection of persistent objects. This operation would
    remove each
    * object's snapshot from cache and change object's state to HOLLOW. On the
    * access to this object, it will be refetched.
    * RefreshQuery
    void ObjectContext.invalidateObjects(Collection objects) - another useful
    method from dataContext that should be added to ObjectContext

    Obsolete method - void CayenneContextGraphManager.send(GraphDiff diff,
    EventSubject subject, Object eventSource) now replaced by calls to
    fireDataChannel* methods described above and can be removed. It is
    package-private so no user's code should break.

    Everything's quite simple with junits here because dataContext's nested
    contexts already have full suite of tests. All we need is to convert them to
    client classes.

    I'm really looking for some feedback. I think this feature is must-have for
    Cayenne and I'll need it in my work


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