Re: CAY-1077

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Nov 12 2008 - 05:26:35 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: CAY-1077"

    Good point... Maybe we can make it a function of the dialog per item
    #3... Essentially we take a selected DbRelationship and offer user a
    choice to make a new relationship either out of the source or the
    target of that relationship, with radiobuttons:

    Source: Artist <radio>
    Source: Painting <radio>
    Target: <Dropdown>
    To Many: <checkbox>


    On Nov 12, 2008, at 11:56 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

    > Well, I think at least we need 'Clear Path' button. Otherwise I
    > won't be
    > able to create new DbRelationship from ObjRelationship source (i.e.
    > insert
    > new relationship in first column).
    > 2008/11/12, Andrus Adamchik <>:
    >> Cool. I very much like the direction. Here is a few notes on the
    >> implementation:
    >> 1. I think "revert" and "clear" are redundant. They don't revert
    >> previous
    >> "save", but simply go back in the browser. It is just as easy to
    >> use the
    >> browser to achieve that. So I suggest we remove those buttons.
    >> 2. "Save Path" should probably be called "Select", as we are not
    >> really
    >> saving anything until "Done" is clicked. Also since we only have 1
    >> button
    >> now, maybe to make things more compact and consistent with other
    >> similar
    >> interfaces, implement it as a toolbar on top of the browser (see
    >> Select
    >> Query Ordering tab for an example).
    >> 3. DbRelationships. There's a bit of a problem figuring context of
    >> the new
    >> relationship. It correctly uses a target of the currently selected
    >> DbRelationship path as its source, however its location is disjoint
    >> from the
    >> browser so it is not immediately clear. It also clutters the view a
    >> bit. So
    >> maybe we can add an extra dialog started with a "new relationship"
    >> button
    >> icon on the browser toolbar (see #2 - we will have a toolbar), that
    >> allows
    >> you to select target entity, cardinality (to-one, to-many) and
    >> continue to
    >> the joins mapping?
    >> Thanks,
    >> Andrus
    >> On Nov 12, 2008, at 10:29 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >> I commited the new dialog. Please spend some time trying it out and
    >> tell me
    >>> if you like it. Comments about its way of work is in JIRA
    >>> 2008/11/9, Andrus Adamchik <>:
    >>>> On Nov 9, 2008, at 12:15 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    >>>> Fine, but as af as I remember, "Target" should be combobox
    >>>> because 1)
    >>>> There
    >>>>> can be more than one ObjEntity for DbEntity
    >>>> Good point. Then I guess we need to limit combo choices only to
    >>>> those
    >>>> entities that apply for a given path.
    >>>> 2) User can add new Db Rels in
    >>>>> this dialog by clicking "New to-X relationship" (and target will
    >>>>> be what
    >>>>> was
    >>>>> selected in combobox)
    >>>> I suggest we stop using the combo for targeting (except for the
    >>>> special
    >>>> case above). This creates UI redundancy that can potentially be
    >>>> confusing.
    >>>> So maybe we add a "target" combo to the DbRelationship mapping
    >>>> dialog
    >>>> instead? (Maybe only shown when the dialog is opened from
    >>>> ObjRelationship
    >>>> dialog; and hidden otherwise)?
    >>>> Andrus

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