Re: schema for map XML

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Dec 04 2008 - 23:59:12 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: schema for map XML"

    On 05/12/2008, at 12:28 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Nice. I don't think it is complete to actually use it for the real
    > map validation, but this is a great start.

    Well, it validates several maps I throw at it. I haven't compared it
    to the code, but I did try to generate various maps and couldn't break
    it. I'm interested if people could try to validate their maps against
    it and find any breakages.

    > I guess the immediate value of it is documenting the format for
    > manual editing.

    That's certainly helpful.

    > Now I am wondering where in the model lifecycle during development
    > and runtime would it be appropriate/useful to do automated
    > validation of the mapping? In other words where the benefit of
    > validation would justify the overhead? The map semantical problems
    > are rare, as most people are using the Modeler (that presumably
    > generates a correct mapping).

    That may be the case, but if we don't have the modeler check for
    validity on every save, the schema will not be maintained since there
    is no incentive to do so and it will fall into disrepair. I'd suggest
    a validation on every save/open which does not prevent the save/open
    but shows a dialog if validation is not successful.

    I'd suggest this is useful since some people edit the XML by hand
    (long live 'emacs/vi'!) but still would like Cayenne modeler to
    validate their schema. It will also provide a second level check that
    Cayenne modeler isn't outputting rubbish XML under some circumstances
    (eg. XML which isn't properly encoded or nested incorrectly).

    > So I can only think of cases that would help us internally, but will
    > not affect the end users:
    > * Validation as a part of map-saving unit tests
    > * Switching from manual XML parser to an auto-generated parser based
    > on schema (such as JAXB; although I decided against JAXB some time
    > ago, as it would add yet another hard dependency to Cayenne, and
    > will require a rewrite of a piece of Cayenne that already works
    > well. So I am just using it as an example).

    I agree that there is little benefit in this.


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