access.reveng package

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Dec 20 2008 - 06:51:28 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: access.reveng package"

    I am feeling like the package for the new naming stuff,
    "access.reveng", should either be renamed or moved to some existing
    package. Two reasons:

    * Classes and interfaces there by themselves do not deal with "reverse
    engineering". They are used during reverse engineering by other
    classes located elsewhere (and can potentially be used for other
    things, e.g. creating an ObjEntity in the Modeler from a DbEntity.

    * Don't like using an abbreviation ("reveng"). We've been guilty of
    that in the past (ObjEntity), but now trying to stay away from abbrevs.

    Not completely sure where it would fit though.
    "" maybe?


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