Re: CM Bug?

From: Adrian A. (
Date: Tue Sep 29 2009 - 03:23:42 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: CM Bug?"

    > This could be due to the long standing preferences stability bug. Check
    > ~/.cayenne/prefs/1.2 directory. If you see a bunch of db1.XXX, db2.XXX
    > files, it means the prefs db is in a bad state. In this case my
    > suggestion is to stop the Modeler and rm -rf the entire
    > ~/.cayenne/prefs/1.2 folder.
    Isn't this maybe because of the used HSQLDB?

    > I hope Olga may have some time to look at Modeler preferences rework for
    > 3.0 to use built-in Java preferences API instead of relying on the
    > embeddable DB's.
    Wouldn't simply replacing HSQLDB with H2 (
    solve the problem with far less effort?
    I guess it could also bring some nice performance improvements since H2
    is faster - besides missing features from HSQLDB such as:
       - Transaction Isolation
       - Encrypted Database
       - Updatable Result Sets, etc.


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