3.0 -> 3.1 experience

From: Tore Halset (halse..vv.ntnu.no)
Date: Wed Jan 06 2010 - 08:21:23 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Known issues"


    I wanted to test my project with some stuff in svn trunk aka cayenne 3.1. As I have not been a good guy and fixed all the deprecated warnings in my project, I had some work to do in my code to get it to work with 3.1

    Here are a list of the things I had to change. The first item gave me a lot of work, the others was not a big deal. After the upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1, I got around 200 compile errors to fix in one project..

    * Ordering.DESC/ASC and even false/true -> SortOrder.DESCENDING/ASCENDING
    * context.refetchObject()
    * context.createAndRegisterNewObject -> context.newObject
    * dataObject.getDataContext() -> getObjectContext()

    Btw, great work on the RC!

     - Tore.

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