RE: Mapping fake FKs as relationships?

From: Zissis Trabaris (
Date: Tue Jan 12 2010 - 21:01:33 EST

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    Qualifiers on dbRelationships would be really nice. The only way to do
    this right now is to overload the assessor methods. It would be really
    nice if it where modeled in and if the add methods would run the
    qualifier and throw an exception if the added object entity did not

    Zissis Trabaris * Chief Technology Officer * INSYSWARE * 3235 West River
    Road, Grand Island, New York, 14072, USA
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: Aristedes Maniatis []
    Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 2:57 AM
    Subject: Re: Mapping fake FKs as relationships?

    On 11/01/10 12:21 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > Do you think this is achievable? Andrus, I know you've looked at
    > vertical inheritance... do you think this would be a natural extension
    > of that work, or quite different?

    Thinking about this a bit more (it actually solves a problem I have
    right now): maybe my introduction of the interface idea is a
    red-herring. That could be useful, but isn't really the core of the
    problem. Instead, what we need are qualifiers on db_Relationships. We
    already have a very similar idea in inheritance.

    Let me know if you want me to flesh out the idea in more detail, or if
    it is obvious from what I've mentioned so far how it might work.


    Aristedes Maniatis
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