Re: CAY-1378, CAY-1009...

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Feb 07 2010 - 10:23:23 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: CAY-1378, CAY-1009..."

    Actually Bryan's case seems to be pretty clear. I will try to create a
    test case for it now:

    > We have a source entity with two to-one relationships to target
    > entities that both inherit from the same table. When we try to
    > insert a new instance of the source entity, we get:
    > org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException:
    > Error resolving to-one fault. More than one object found. Source
    > Id:
    > <ObjectId:Claim, CLAIM_ID=8891>, relationship:
    > runtimeRelationship0
    > org.apache.cayenne.access.ToOneFault.doResolveFault(
    > 90)
    > org.apache.cayenne.access.ToOneFault.resolveFault(
    > 54)
    > Cayenne found two objects in the table and thought it was an error.

    On Feb 7, 2010, at 5:18 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Guys, we need to do something about CAY-1009. The fix doesn't look
    > logical to me, and now it turns out that it breaks other things per
    > CAY-1378.
    > I am looking at commented out test case
    > InheritanceTest.testCAY1009() that Kevin created, and from what I
    > can tell, Cayenne does the right thing here (without the CAY-1009
    > fix). I.e. DirectToSubEntity.subEntities is NOT a reverse
    > relationship of BaseEntity.toDirectToSubEntity, so we should not
    > expect it to behave as one.
    > Bryan and Andrey also had problems with "runtime" relationships. So
    > could you create test cases for those so we can maybe try looking
    > for the another cause is elsewhere? Or maybe you could provide a
    > failing mapping and describe the problem?
    > Andrus
    > Begin forwarded message:
    >> Andrus Adamchik updated CAY-1378:
    >> ---------------------------------
    >> Attachment: 0001-CAY-1378-no-reverse-for-inheritance.patch
    >> I tend to agree with Victor. Here is my patch reverting CAY-1009
    >> commit (plus some minor loop refactoring). This fails uncommented
    >> InheritanceTest, but I think the test is wrong. I won't commit this
    >> yet, and will take further discussion to the dev list.

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