Upgrade procedure

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Mon Nov 22 2010 - 15:20:21 UTC

  • Next message: Tore Halset: "Re: [VOTE] cayenne-3.1M1"

    (changing topic to keep it separate from the vote)

    On Nov 22, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    > The one big issue I had was after I downloaded the DMG, the first
    > thing I did was run the new CayenneModeler and pointed it at my
    > current project file. This, of course, does an in-place upgrade. I
    > had to go to my backups to restore the old project file since it was
    > pretty different. It isn't very clear that your cayenne.xml file goes
    > away or that it upgrades and saves immediately. Even the UPGRADE.txt
    > doesn't quite make it clear (but no one is going to read that
    > immediately would be my guess). I'm mainly mentioning this because
    > this is a milestone release and most people might be willing to try it
    > on an existing project for a test, but not realize it could be a tad
    > destructive when they go back to 3.0.

    Yeah, I think we need a Jira to improve CM project upgrade to not save a project on upgrade until a user clicks save explicitly. The way it works right now is the way we always did upgrades (which is not to say it is right). I guess I never cared myself that much, as all my projects are under version control, even if it is a local git checkin.

    > Also, the UPGRADE.txt specifies:
    > ServerRuntime runtime = new ServerRuntime("cayenne-UntitledDomain.xml");
    > To obtain a new ObjectContext, the following API is used:
    > ObjectContext context = cayenneRuntime.getContext();
    > The variables "runtime" and "cayenneRuntime" should be changed to be
    > consistent, I think.

    Good catch thanks.


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