Re: getSharedConfig problem

From: Robert John Andersen (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 11:11:37 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "Re: getSharedConfig problem"

    Currently I'm just writing a little standalone test application to get
    to know how to do things. cayenne.jar is located in

    On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 23:45, Michael Shengaout wrote:

        Hi Robert,
        what kind of application are you writing? Is this webapp or a
        standalone? How do you deploy it? Where is cayenne.jar located? The
        issue may be related to multiple things, particularly if you are
        deploying in the web container (e.g. hierarchical loaders they are
        We need this information to answer your question.

            ----- Original Message -----
            From: Robert John Andersen
            To: cayenne-devel
            Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 9:52 PM
            Subject: getSharedConfig problem
            When I make call Configuration.getSharedConfig I get the "can't
            find cayenne.xml" error. I have a cayenne.xml file in a
            directory in my CLASSPATH. Is this correct or do I have to
            specify it some other way?

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