Re: Introduction and question

From: Andrus (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 23:36:41 EDT

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Serialization"

    Hi Craig,

    Since the first ever Alpha of Cayenne was only released 3 month ago, we
    don't have a long list as you would imagine.

    At the moment I can tell you about one high profile project that I am
    involved with personally. The project is going to production in October.
    Cayenne is used as a backend of a stats website that normally receives
    millions of hits a day.

    I don't want to make an early announcement since the app is not in
    production yet, but I can send you more information privately so that you
    have something to show to the management.

    Good luck


    At 03:22 PM 9/11/2002 +1200, Craig Miskell wrote:

    >Hi all,
    > We are what amounts to a WebObjects shop (plus some not
    >insignificant dalliances with a number of other technologies) that is
    >looking at cayenne as the database layer for a commercial product we
    >intend to release next year (don't ask what yet, I'm not allowed to say).
    >We have a number of years experience in EOF (personally coming up on 5
    >years, and two other developers with much the same). If the
    >powers-that-be approve cayenne, then I'd anticipate us contributing as
    >much as possible back to the main project (bug fixes, reports, new
    >generic functionality). However, first we have to get it approved.
    >My question is: "Who's using cayenne, and in what context?". The
    >main issue we are addressing now is one of technical merit (and it's
    >looking good so far), but obviously the "usage" is a concern, perhaps
    >mostly in terms of how strong the user community is.
    >Anyone got any comments?
    >Craig Miskell
    >Programmer, Black Albatross, Otago University, New Zealand

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