Re: cannot use cayenneModeler

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Jan 03 2003 - 12:08:09 EST

  • Next message: Michael Schuldt: "AW: cannot use cayenneModeler"

    Hi Michael,

    I normally put the driver to lib/ext during development (and wherever
    appropriate in deployoment). Never had this problem before. Lets see what
    might be wrong...

    1. Did you restart the Modeler every time you made the changes to CLASSPATH
    and/or moved the JAR around?

    2. Any exceptions other than the one you quoted in

    3. Do you have more than one JDK installed on your machine?


    Michael Schuldt writes:

    > Hi,
    > I try to go through the "JSP/Struts Web Application" Tutorial and got stuck
    > while trying to create the Database Primary Key Support.
    > After selecting a DataMap, choosing "Tools -> Generate Database Schema" from
    > the menu and then trying to start the generation by pressing the
    > Generate-Button I get the following error message: Error creating database -
    > Can not load JDBC driver named
    > ''
    > I nearly tried everything with the Driver jar
    > (mysql-connector-java-2.0.14-bin.jar). Put it in the CLASSPATH, put it in
    > the JDK lib/ext directory etc.
    > Any suggestions?

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