Re: Classification failed

From: Jean-Paul Le Fèvre (
Date: Tue Jun 24 2003 - 17:11:19 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Classification failed"

    Hi Andrus,

    Thank you for your answer. I'm a bit sorry for the harsh words
    in my previous mail. By the end of this afternoon I was really upset
    by cayenne's behaviour in front of errors. I have a deadline to
    respect, my application must be available by the end of June
    and I've lost this day trying to find out why my program no
    longer works after a slight modification in the schema. I get more
    and more nervous ;)

    Actually I fixed the problem : a relationship was not correctly
    defined in the modeller. Anyway my remark still holds :
    most of the time I cannot take advantage of the stack trace of
    exceptions to figure out what was wrong in my code.
    Often the messages have nothing to do with the cause.
    To find a solution I have to check carefully values set
    in the modeller which is not that easy to use.
    The other strategy is to enter a try and error loop
    to guess what is wrong.

    I note, as being symptomatic, that your hint as well as the one
    given by Arndt was irrelevant : I do not manage any read-only
    flag and my mapping is correct. You were not able to guess
    the cause of the problem from the exception message.

    As an other example, I got, one more time, the infamous
    'No suitable DataNode to handle entity XYZ'
    Contrary to what is written in the F*kingFAQ it had
    nothing to do with some missing link to any DataNodes
    but it was due to a missing package specification
    in one of the modeller fields.

    It seems, also, that the actual SQLExceptions never
    show up, being swallawed by the useless CayenneRuntimeException.

    Finally I want to add that I appreciate very much your quick
    answers to the questions posted on the list.



    Jean-Paul Le Fèvre * Mail :

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