Relationship frustration

From: Jim Menard (
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 14:47:04 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Relationship frustration"

    I'm trying to understand how to properly model certain kinds of
    relationships. I know how I'd do it in the database, but I *seem* to be
    bumping into limitations with Cayenne that can't express certain
    one-way foreign key relationships.

    For example, I need a table of addresses. Members can have multiple
    addresses and billing accounts can have a single address. So, I've
    added a member_address table to hold the links between members and
    addresses. (It's not read/write when flattened, but I'll live with that
    for now.)

    For the billing account, I've added a foreign key column named
    bill_address_id that contains an address id.

    Here's where I get confused: the billing address is not optional (not
    null) but when I try to generate the schema Cayenne tries to set up a
    foreign key from address -> billing account because of the reverse
    relationship, which is required. It can't; I see the error message

    Schema Generation Error: Failed statement: ALTER TABLE public.address
    ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES public.bill_account (bill_address_id) -
    ERROR: UNIQUE constraint matching given keys for refenced table
    "bill_account" not found.

    If I make the bill_account's bill_address_id nullable, then I don't see
    this error message. (I do see the same error message for the
    member_address table; it's the same issue.)

    I don't want or need a reverse relationship. It does not reflect my
    needs. I want bill_address_id to be a FK to address(id), but I can't
    have the reverse (address id is FK to bill_account(bill_address_id)).


    Jim Menard,,
    "SPOON!" -- The Tick's battle cry
    "Not in the face!  Not in the face!" -- Arthur's battle cry

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