Re: Relationship frustration

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 15:45:40 EST

  • Next message: Jim Menard: "Another FK puzzle; generation order dependency?"

    On Dec 17, 2003, at 2:47 PM, Jim Menard wrote:

    > For example, I need a table of addresses. Members can have multiple
    > addresses and billing accounts can have a single address. So, I've
    > added a member_address table to hold the links between members and
    > addresses. (It's not read/write when flattened, but I'll live with
    > that for now.)


    Why can't you add nullable "member_id" to "address" instead of using a
    join table. This will (a) make the schema more efficient and (b) won't
    be affected by the limitation above. I am sure you have your reasons
    not to do that, but this seems like the most obvious solution to me.


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